I love monsters. Always have. Always will. Some of the first movies I can remember seeing were things like Godzilla and Jaws. They left lasting impressions on me. And while I enjoy monsters of all shapes and sizes, I have a soft spot for the kaiju popular in Japanese cinema. I'm talking Godzilla, Gamera, Anguirus, King Ghidorah, and so on. I crave these stories and so I decided I'd like to write my own.
While I probably could write a loving homage to the Godzilla films of old (complete with alien invaders, monster allies, laser weapons, mystical prophets, plucky journalists, and a goofy nerd who saves the day with his otherwise useless invention), this book isn't that. I mean, I think you should know that the love is still there -- I wouldn't be writing the book if I didn't love the genre -- but my story is a different kind of kaiju adventure.
I’m calling it IN THE SHADOW OF EXTINCTION: A KAIJU EPIC. For now. Working title. May change.
Look, a synopsis!
It started with earthquakes and dead whales. Volcanoes erupt along the Ring of Fire, killing thousands and displacing millions. But none of that can compare to what happens when the Yellowstone caldera erupts, killing all plant and animal life for hundreds of miles around, and spreading ash across much of the United States.
Then the beasts started crawling out from the fissures in the earth.
An armored bipedal burrower crawls out of Mt. Fuji and reduces Yokohama to dust and rubble. An eel-like sea monster terrorizes ships in the busy Pacific shipping lanes. Swarms of insect-like creatures lay their eggs in flooded California and quickly overrun the entire state. And somewhere in the dark, ashen landscape walks a predatory behemoth with a hunger that only other giants can hope to satisfy.
Weakened by both the volcanic activity and the monster's might, we turn to the nuclear solution as a means of saving humanity. Cities are destroyed beneath mushroom clouds all around the world in an attempt to kill the monsters. However, the monsters prove immune and their numbers keep growing. Our efforts to stop them have only aided the beasts in reducing our world to ruin.
Mankind's final war lasts only weeks.
This is the story of what comes after.
Governments are disbanded. Our once great cities are deemed potential danger zones. Entire countries are decimated. But there are survivors...
Word is spoken of a great city capable of holding off any monster’s attacks. Pilgrims from around the world make their way over the burnt landscape, walking in the shadows of great monsters, hopeful to find this safe haven in the west.
They call it New Detroit.
But what the pilgrims and the leaders of New Detroit do not know is that the monsters are growing hungry. Following the traveling pilgrims will eventually lead the beasts to Detroit, where the fate of the world will finally be decided.
End synopsis!
The plan is to release the book at the end of the summer. But for now, I'm still working on it. Keep checking back here for future updates, like release dates, cover reveals, and sneak previews!